Media images and recordings provide a great resource for Park Hills Church to share what is happening in our various ministries with church members as well as our surrounding community. This media can portray the life of the church on such platforms as, but are not limited to, newsletters, websites, social media, magazines, flyers, posters, and audio/visual presentations.
As we continue to strive to protect the safety and privacy of those involved in our family ministries, we have adopted an opt-out only policy concerning the use of media material by the church. Participation in any on-campus church activity (whether by personal volition or parent/guardian will) will imply permission for any media collected to be used for promotional materials by the church at present or in the future. However, if for any reason (ex. foster care, adoption process, personal privacy, etc.) a child’s image or likeness should not be used in official church media, please fill out the opt-out form below. Although the church reserves the right to collect media at on-campus events, having an opt-out form will allow us to identify and remove any image/likeness to the best of our ability. No media of children 5 years of age or younger will be used in promotional material unless given specific consent from a parent/guardian.
Public/off-campus events such as, but not limited to, parades, off-campus nights, etc., will not be protected by the church and are considered documentable by anyone present. Park Hills Church is not responsible for monitoring media posted by students or church members not serving as a Family Ministry Team Member.
Please write the first and last name of the minor(s) who is to be excluded from Park Hills Media.
By submitting this form, I object to the use of any media images or recordings that will be used or distributed by Park Hills Evangelical Free Church for church promotional purposes for the above mentioned child(ren).