Park Hills Chili Cookoff 2025

02/09/2025 | Park Hills Church – please join us for a fundraiser as we rally around and support our ENGAGE student ministries! Enter a chili, or come to taste-test chili and enjoy our student-led bake sale. There will be prizes for best table design, best chili, and best non-chili.
We provide all of the tables, bowls, spoons, napkins, and toppings. Should you choose to enter the contest by registering below, you will need to bring your chili in a crockpot with a written description of your chili, a ladle, and decorations for your table. After all the judges have taste-tested each chili, we will announce the winners, award them with prizes, and auction off our pastors for a chance to throw chili in their face!

If you plan to enter the competition, please register here


Park Hills Church – please join us for a fundraiser as we rally around and support our ENGAGE student ministries! Enter a chili, or come to taste-test chili and enjoy our student-led bake sale. There will be prizes for best table design, best chili, and best non-chili.